Monday Fun-Days

Mondays 2:45pm

For kids 5-12children around a table

3/3 Knitting & Crocheting

3/10 Let's Talk About Books

3/17 St. Pat's Clover Planting

3/24 Arts & Crafts:  Picture Frames

3/31 Legos

Preschool Story Time

Tuesdays 11am

Join Miss Kami for stories, songs, activities and crafts.  Something new each week.Lorax

For children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.

3/4 Dr. Seuss' Birthday

3/11 St. Patrick

3/18 March Madness/Sports

3/25 Spring

Virtual Reality Games

Thursdays 2:45pm

child with VR goggles playing a fantasy gameUse our VR goggles to play age-appropriate games.

For ages 8 and up.





Special Event at the Library - STEM Saturday

Saturday, March 8th 11am

robotic arm

We'll show off our NED robotic arm.  You can play with our Snap Circuits, Brain Flakes, Magformers, Indi cars, and more engineering toys!

A great family program for all ages!