Monday Fun-Days

Mondays 2:45pm

For kids 5-12children around a table

2/3 Knitting & Crocheting

2/10 Craft-a-Thon

*No program 2/17, 2/24*

Preschool Story Time

Tuesdays 11am

Join Miss Kami for stories, songs, activities and crafts.  Something new each week.frog holding a heart

For children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.

2/4 Dollhouses

2/11 Valentines

2/18 All Thumbs

*no program 2/25*

Virtual Reality Games

Thursdays 2:45pm

child with VR goggles playing a fantasy gameUse our VR goggles to play age-appropriate games.

For ages 8 and up.


*no program 2/27*



Special Event at the Library - Teddy Bear Dance Party

Saturday, February 22nd 11am

Bring your favorite doll or stuffie and come to the party! bear dancing

We’ll have music and fun activities. Snacks too!