Monday Fun-Days
Mondays 2:45pm
For kids 5-12
3/3 Knitting & Crocheting
3/10 Let's Talk About Books
3/17 St. Pat's Clover Planting
3/24 Arts & Crafts: Picture Frames
3/31 Legos
Preschool Story Time
Tuesdays 11am
Join Miss Kami for stories, songs, activities and crafts. Something new each week.
For children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.
3/4 Dr. Seuss' Birthday
3/11 St. Patrick
3/18 March Madness/Sports
3/25 Spring
Virtual Reality Games
Thursdays 2:45pm
Use our VR goggles to play age-appropriate games.
For ages 8 and up.
Special Event at the Library - STEM Saturday
Saturday, March 8th 11am
We'll show off our NED robotic arm. You can play with our Snap Circuits, Brain Flakes, Magformers, Indi cars, and more engineering toys!
A great family program for all ages!