Let's Talk
Fridays 10:15-11:15am
An informal conversation with a different topic/theme each week. A thoughtful, safe, and open discussion. Coffee included!
Learn to Play Mah Jongg
Tuesdays 12:30-2:30pm
Learn to play this popular tile-based game. It’s not like playing online!
Oscar, Oscar!
Wednesday, February 26th 5pm
Watch oscar-nominated movies at the library! Bring your own snacks.
Challengers (R ) 2hrs 11min
Tashi, a former tennis prodigy turned coach, transformed her husband into a champion. But to overcome a recent losing streak and redeem himself, he'll need to face off against his former best friend and Tashi's ex-boyfriend.
Readers Cafe
Thursday, March 13th 1:30pm [NEW TIME] OR March 15th 9am
Let our librarians inspire you to read a variety of books - join our monthly book discussion!
March's book is Happy-Go-Lucky by David Sedaris
A collection of personal essays
Back when restaurant menus were still printed on paper, and wearing a mask--or not--was a decision made mostly on Halloween, David Sedaris spent his time doing normal things. As Happy-Go-Lucky opens, he is learning to shoot guns with his sister, visiting muddy flea markets in Serbia, buying gummy worms to feed to ants, and telling his nonagenarian father wheelchair jokes. But then the pandemic hits...
In Happy-Go-Lucky, David Sedaris once again captures what is most unexpected, hilarious, and poignant about these recent upheavals, personal and public, and expresses in precise language both the misanthropy and desire for connection that drive us all. If we must live in interesting times, there is no one better to chronicle them than the incomparable David Sedaris.
Simple Living: Healthcare in the North Country
Friday, March 14th 11:30am
A round-table discussion of what's going on and how do we get the best care possible. Part of our Simple Living program series.
Part of our Simple Living program series.
Renee Rows the Atlantic!
Thursday, March 20th 6pm
Bethlehem resident Renee Blacken will be solo rowing 3200 miles across the Atlantic Ocean asTeam fOARtysomething. Hear about her expedition and the non-profit she supports!
Trivia Night
Thursday, March 27th 6pm
Join in the fun of our monthly trivia program.
Bring yourself and your friends for some friendly competition. All ages welcome!
Classic Movie Matinee & Discussion
Friday, March 28th 11:30am
Join us to watch Citizen Kane (PG, 2hrs). Stay for a short discussion afterwards.
Following the death of publishing tycoon Charles Foster Kane, reporters scramble to uncover the meaning of his final utterance: 'Rosebud.' [imdb.com]
1942 Oscar Nominee for Best Picture, Best Actor (Orson Welles), and Best Director (Orson Welles). Oscar winner for
The quasi-biographical film examines the life and legacy of Charles Foster Kane, played by Welles, a composite character based on American media barons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, Chicago tycoons Samuel Insull and Harold McCormick, as well as aspects of the screenwriters' own lives. Upon its release, Hearst prohibited any mention of the film in his newspapers. [Wikipedia]
Tech Time
Call for an appointment
Make an appointment for one-on-one help with your device, learning to use the card catalog, how to research using our geneaology databases. Ask us anything!
Call the library 603-869-2409 to reserve a time.