Friends of the Bethlehem Public Library (FOBPL)
A Vital Part of the Library
Next meeting: Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 5:30pm in the Library
All are Welcome! Find out what we're doing!
Friends of the Bethlehem Public Library, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping provide the citizens of Bethlehem with a library that will offer an exceptional environment for informational services, literary pleasure and educational support.
This organization was established to address the need of the community concerning its public library: to help provide ongoing support for the library.
The Friends welcome new people willing to offer ideas and lend a hand. Please contact any Friends Board member, or ask the Library staff for ways you can help.
The Friends meet on the first Thursday of the month, 5:30pm at the Library. Meetings are open to the public.
2024-2025 Board:
President - Hilary Veilleux
Vice President – Allegra Wright
Secretary – Estelle LaFleur
Treasurer – Norma St. John
Board Members: Connie Johnson, Sally Fitzgerald, Kay Kerr, Candy Murphy, Sue Presby
Board Member Emeritus: Christina Bogat
Library Director (ex officio board member): Laura Clerkin
A Gift for the Future. The Bethlehem Public Library will serve the people in our community for many years to come. The future cost of operating the library needs to be considered. Library supporters may want to include the Library in their financial and estate plans. If you would like to hear more about giving a tax deductible gift to the Library in the form of a bequest, charitable annuity or charitable remainder trust, please email
Our membership list information is never shared with anyone.
All dues and donations given to the Friends of the Bethlehem Public Library, Inc. are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Looking for Meeting minutes? Scroll to bottom of the page.
We Need Bakers!
Bake Sale Tuesday, March 11th

Heartfelt Thanks
Calling all Bakers!
Election Day is Coming Soon!
Bethlehem 250th Anniversary Parade
Glad we were a part of it!
Solar Eclipse Watch Party a Success!
Link to Caledonian-Record article
You did it again!
Thank you!
2024 Primary Bake Sale Fundraiser
Thank you everyone!
The Garden is ready!

Garden Clean-Up Day!
Wednesday, May 24th 9am
The Friends have scheduled a Clean-Up Day for the Pollinator Garden and, if there are enough volunteers, the StoryWalk. Would you have some time on Wednesday, May 24th in the morning to help? Folks will gather at the library at 9:00AM to start clearing out winter debris. All are invited to help!
As John Heywood wrote, “Many hands make light work.”
Another Successful Fundraiser!
Such fun at the Christmas Party!
Bake Sale a Success, thanks to you!
A Year of Support!
What we've accomplished in the last year!
With the annual meeting approching October 6th, we reflect on all the Friends have accomplished in the past year. Your generosity and our fundraising provides us with the means to support the library by providing services and materials not covered by the library budget.
This year we have been able to:
- Fund the 2021 Christmas Party for the children of Bethlehem
- Provide the prizes for the Gingerbread House contest
- Hold a competition for the dinosaur’s name – his name is Velocireader -- and award a prize!
- Create bookmarks with the dinosaur logo to help with communication
- Start a Pollinator/Wildflower garden behind the library with input and assistance from the local community
- Purchase a new office desk and computer set up for the library staff
- Provide the prizes for a Peeps diorama contest
- Fund the Blue Ocean Society bringing Ladder the life-size inflatable whale to the kick-off for the Summer Reading program
- Purchase shirts and book bags for the "1000 Books Before Kindergarten" program
- Supply the ice cream and M&Ms for the Summer Reading Finale
For the remainder of 2022 we have planned:
- The digging and planting of stage two of the Pollinator/Wildflower Garden
- A bake sale at the Town Hall during voting on November 8, 2022
- A Christmas party for the children on December 3rd 2022 during Christmas in Bethlehem
Dino has a name!
Through our Facebook page, we asked for suggestions for a name for our mascot. We had several responses, and we are happy to announce his name is....Velocireader!
The lucky person who made the suggestion, Wendy Whiton, won a gift certificate to Legacy Book Store in Bethlehem. Congratulations!
Pollinator Garden
for Education and Enjoyment
The Friends would like to thank the following people for helping with the garden:
- Audrey Crowe, Audrey Crowe Landscapes, for input and advice on garden planting
- Tim Wennrich, Meadowstone Farm, for donating and delivering compost and mulch
- Holly Hayward, Sugar Hill Botanicals, for donating all the plants
- Doug Harman, Library Trustee Chairman, for helping with the watering
- Hilary and Ross Veilleux, Sally Fitzgerald, Connie Johnson, and Norma St. John for all their hard work
Approved Meeting Minutes
November 2, 2023 Annual Meeting
October 6, 2022 Annual Meeting
October 7, 2021 Annual Meeting