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Weekly Programs

Mondays 2:45 pm    Monday Fun-Days (for kids 5-12)


3rd Knitting & Crocheting

10th Let’s Talk about Books

17th St. Pat’s Clover Planting

24th Crafting Picture Frames

31st Legos


Tuesdays 11am     Preschool Story Time (for kids 2-5 and their caregivers)

Stories, songs, activities, crafts. Something new each week!


4th Dr. Seuss’s Birthday

11th St. Patrick’s Day

18th March Madness/Sports

25th Spring


Thursdays 2:45pm **NEW PROGRAM**  Virtual Reality Games (for kids 8 and up)

Use our VR Goggles for age-appropriate games



Fridays 10:15-11:15am    Let's Talk, adult discussion group

Discuss a different topic every week.  A thoughtful, safe, and open discussion.  Coffee included!   


7th - National Day of Unplugging (Do we need to be around technology all the time?)
14th - Beauty standards around the world
21th - Shakespeare week (Shakespearean Insults)
28th - Cleaning Week/Cleaning fads (such as Marie Kondo)


March Programs

Tuesdays 12:30-2:30  Learn to Play Mah Jonggmah jongg tiles

A beginner's lesson on the popular Chinese tile game.



hand signing PWednesday, March 5th and 12th 6pm  Learn American Sign Language

ASL teacher, Christina Bertin, will teach this introductory class.  All ages welcome!



Saturday, March 8th 11am-12:30pm  Special Event at the Library - STEM Saturday NED robotic arm

All ages welcome!  We'll show off our NED robotic arm.  You can play with our Snap Circuits, Brain Flakes, Magformers, Indi cars, and more engineering toys!


Friday, March 14th 11:30am  Healthcare in the North Country

A round-table discussion of what's going on and how do we get the best care possible. Part of our Simple Living program series.



Happy-Go-Lucky book coverThursday, March 13th 1:30pm [NEW TIME] OR Saturday, March 15th 9am  Readers Cafe Book Discussion

March's book is Happy-Go-Lucky by David Sedaris.  Click here for details



Thursday, March 20th 6pm  Special Event at the Library - Renee Rows the Atlantic!rower in boat with blue water

Bethlehem resident Renee Blacken will be solo rowing 3200 miles across the Atlantic Ocean asTeam fOARtysomething. Hear about her expedition and the non-profit she supports!



Thursday, March 27th 6pm Trivia Night

Join in the fun of our monthly trivia program.  Bring yourself and your friends for some friendly competition.  All ages welcome!



Friday, March 28th 11:30am  Classic Movie & Discussion:  Citizen Kane

Movie at 11:30, followed by a short discussion of your thoughts on the movie and its enduring appeal.