Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
We do not charge overdue fines, but there is a "Conscience Pig" on the circulation desk, if you feel you would like to donate.
Donations may be made in person at the circulation desk, or mailed to PO Box 250, Bethlehem NH 03574.
Thank you for supporting the library!
Giving Tree 
Our Giving Tree, located in our main vestibule, is a wonderful way to remember a loved one, or allow the library to acknowledge your donation. Leaves are inscribed upon request. Please speak with the director for more details.
Leaf color denotes level of giving:
Copper $50-$249
Silver $250 - $999
Gold $1,000 - $4,999
Rock $5,000+
Gift Policy -- from General Policies (please read before donating)
The Board of Trustees, in conformance with State Law, adopt the following policies on gifts:
- Cash and Securities
- The Library Director shall notify the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees about all offers of gifts of less than $5,000 offered to the Library. The Chairperson will include the offer of gift as an item for discussion in the agenda. The Board of Trustees, at a regularly scheduled public meeting will discuss the offer and that discussion and decision to accept or reject the gift will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
- For gifts of $5,000 or more, the Trustees shall hold a public meeting and notice of place, time and subject of the meeting will be published in a newspaper circulated in the local area at least seven days before the meeting. Discussion of the offer and its acceptance or rejection will be recorded in the minutes. (RSA 202-A:4-c)
- Gifts-Personal Property: Library Trustees shall determine a demonstrated, Library need for the specific item offered. Acceptance will not bind the town or Library Trustees to raise, appropriate, or expend public funds for operation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of the donated property. (RSA 202-A:4-d)
- Books: Books and related materials will be accepted on the condition that the Library Director has authority to use or dispose of the books/materials as the Director deems appropriate. The Library will not accept materials which are not outright gifts except pictures for viewing for a limited time.
- Acceptance: The Board of Trustees has authority to accept or reject any and all gifts. If conditions are attached by the donor for receipt of the gift, the Trustees will reject the gift if the conditions are unacceptable to the majority of the Board.